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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

REVIEW: Lost Season 6 Episode 10 "The Package"

Folks, we’re winding down to the end of Lost. There are only 6 more episodes to go. After last weeks rocking episode I was a little worried we’d get one about Kate. Have you ever noticed how Kate is the word hate with a “K” but I digress. We didn’t, we got a real Sun and Jin episode, and it was relatively good.

Keep reading to see my opinions on the episode and my theories. Feel free to call me out or post your own theories in the comments.

***Spoilers will Follow***

If you need a quick recap here’s one a far better than I could give you.

Overall Experience and Whatever Else I Want to Talk About...
I thought this episode was a good one considering the great episode last week. It seems that many times after a great episode of Lost we get a stinker the next week. I would not consider this episode lacking like some have said. It was filled with pieces to the puzzle and interesting character development. Oh, and we got to see Keamy die again.

It was interesting to see Jin and Sun not married. When we saw them on the plane their relationship seemed to be in shambles. Jin was the master and Sun was a dog. All that turned out to be a misunderstanding of what was going on. We find out quickly that Jin and Sun aren’t married in the flash sideways. This leads to an interesting change of events. Jacob touched both Jin and Sun at their wedding. If they didn’t have a wedding they were never touched by Jacob. That line of thinking made me wonder if the flash sideways are what the people of flight 108’s lives would be like without the influence of Jacob.

I know Juliet is on another show, but I wonder if she’ll end up being Sun’s OBGYN. Juliet is the only character we haven’t seen in a flash sideways yet. Let’s hope she can stop fighting Visitors long enough to save Sun’s baby!

Flocke seems to be quite easy to overcome. He obviously can’t be everywhere at all times. Water, espionage by nerds, and sonic barriers are all stumbling blocks to Flocke. It makes me wonder if the Smoke Monster is a very limited form. Maybe Flocke can only stay in that form for short time.

It appears that Charles Widmore is out destroy Flocke. Chuck says, “[Penny and everyone Jin knows] may cease to exist” if Flocke gets off the island. Why is this? Is it related to the whole Marty McFly phenomenon. Does changing the past results in an altered future and different universe? That would mean some people may have never been born. Maybe it’s that Flocke would end up killing everyone.

Charles Widmore for the most part has been a scumbag. In this episode we see him in a different light. He’s caring and concerned for more than just himself. All that being said he still knows he has a job to get done. It makes me wonder if I’ve misunderstood him the whole time.

Towards the very end of the episode we see Desmond! Besides my joy of seeing him again I felt like a piece of the puzzle was put into it’s proper place. I wonder if Desmond, being the constant, is the link between the two universes. Will he reconcile the differences between what we see in the flash sideways and on the island? Is he the key to what happens in the flash sideways? Does Mr. Hume create a way for both universes to exist? Maybe he’s the new Jacob. Whatever his role is in the next episodes it will be interesting. I’m sure of it.

Jack seems to be more chipper than normal. It’s amazing what living a life filled with purpose will do for someone. Claire is still crazy and apparently Flocke is okay with her killing Kate after he’s done with her. Sawyer is still doing his own thing and building the, “Big con.” Sun and Jin seem as though they’ll never find each other. When they do, their roles of interpreter and foreigner will be changed. That will be interesting. Sayid is evil and a huge help to Flocke.

Crap Index:
Half of the episode was in a different language so there were few curse words. The big surprise was the scene between Sun and Jin in Sun’s room. She strips down to no more than a bra on camera. They have sex off screen. The next morning Jin is assumed to be naked, but we only see him from the waste up.

There was a lot of shooting. We get a closeup of Mikhall’s blown out bloody eye socket. We also see a pregnant Sun shot and bleeding.

O.E. 7.9
C.I. 5.0
GameTrust Recommendation- 6.5

Submitted for your approval- Ivey Rhodes

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