Prepare for outrage. Just as Lost was starting its final laps with the last few episodes-- we have a delay.
Read more after the break>>
ABC Studios and Lost executive producer J.J. Abrams came early this morning to talk about the controversy brewing over the V countdown clock. Originally it was worked out that the countdown clock would not be shown during the whole Lost episode. The deal included the countdown timer being present at the beginning, after the midpoint break, and 30 seconds before the end of the episode. Apparently some of the higher ups at ABC thought differently. The clock was there the whole time. Damon Lindelof, a co-creator of Lost tweeted, "Yes, people, I saw it too. :34 minutes until I cry myself to sleep."
Abrams earlier today at the presser.
J.J. Abrams has sought to take the show off of ABC and move the final episodes to the internet. The biggest time delay is all the legal minutia. It's creating a huge problem. The last six episodes will not air (or stream) until later this year. Abrams Is quoted saying, “We hope to show the final six episodes by September. But we'll see, you know, they will happen.”
Jace Hall, an executive producer for V, said he, "...would in no way want to ruin a great episode of Lost." He also wanted to make it completely clear HD Films, "...had nothing to do with the countdown." is a partner with HD Films for their web series The Jace Hall Show. IGN has a few more details on the whole fiasco. Let’s hope this problem gets worked out soon. I want my Lost!
-Ivey Rhodes
Ridiculous! JJ Abrams needs to calm down and relax. Some one has a big head is all i am saying!