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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

GameTrust 16: Beaver Fever Edition

This is our sweet sixteen. Allie, Ben, and Ivey will entertain you during this weeks podcast. We enjoy cookies and ice cream during the podcast. If you want some you'll have to travel back in time and knock on our door... I liked to see that happen. We talk about iPhone 4, The Dark Knight's failure, and the Rush Limbaugh movie (huh?). Yeah, that last one is legit. Ivey also comes up with a new catch phrase that may have run its course during the podcast. You be the judge.

Also listen in for our deals of the week. If you're cheap like us this is a gerat section. You can click on the links past the break in this post to find the gaming deals.

Remember to email us and comment us on iTunes. If you do we'll send you a free bowl of cereal. Subscribe below!

Subscribe (aac : mp3) | Email:thegametrust@gmail.com | Phone(937) 6-TRUST-0

The 5 Things You Need to Know...

SHOCKING: Infamous 2 Gets Confirmed
Alice and Wonderland Passes Dark Knight
3DS More Powerful than Wii!?
AT&T to Cap Data Plans
iPhone 4 Releases This Month
A Rush Limbaugh Movie Coming? 

Deals of the Week

$40 trade in on Wii Balance Boards at GameStop
Buy Rock Band Green Day, get a free 1600 Microsoft Points card
Blur and Split Second $39.99 until June 12th 


The GameTrust


  1. Totally Commented on Itunes and Rated You. Told the world how fabulous you are. Now about those cookies and cereal...

  2. Will do, email me at thegametrust@gmail.com and tell me your address. We'll get on it. Thanks dude.
