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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GameTrust 15: Monkey Transportation Edition

We're as happy as a monkey you're listening to our podcast.

It's another super secret meeting of the GameTrust that Ivey never misses. Good news, Ben's back and we also get hijacked by Addie Rhodes. She weighs into the conversation with noob ways. Don't worry it won't bore you. We talk about Monkey Transportation, The Hobbit, and Jered Hunter (The inside joke is: All those things are very similar). The good news is we get to the 5 things you need to know. If you want to actually read the articles we got those news items from go past the break.

By the way, rate us on iTunes then email us and tell us you did. Ivey will send you a free box of your favorite cereal. And that's the straight up truth right there.

Wanna Subscribe so that you always get the awesomeness that is the GameTrust automatically? Do that below.

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The 5 Things You NEED to know...
-The GameTrust


  1. and the hits just keep coming. thanks for the portal heads up a couple weeks ago!
