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Friday, June 18, 2010

GameTrust Podcast 17: E3 Edition

E3 is over. Man time flies! It seems like not that long ago I was thinking about how far off E3 was. Well, Ben and Ivey couldn't not talk about all the crazy developments and surprises that popped up. You won't want to miss this E3 wrap up discussion.

We'll talk about the 3DS, Kinect, Move, and a ton of game announcements. We're sorry this one is a little late, but if you'll forgive us we'll just ask you one thing. Rate us and comment us on iTunes. If you do that and then email us your address we'll send you a free bowl of cereal. And We're not lying. You can trust us, because we're the GameTrust. Listen below, but we'd prefer you subscribe on iTunes.

Subscribe (Mp3:AAC) | Email: thegametrust@gmail.com | Phone: (937) 687-8780

Friday, June 11, 2010

Weekend Movie Review Roundup

So what are you going to see at the movies this week? I've round up some reviews of the big movies coming out this weekend. If you guys like this I'll continue to do it every week.

This is how it works. Because I don't have infinite time or funds (Though I wish I could find a Game Genie code for that) I'm putting up reviews of the movies from other sites. One of the links will be to a family friendly site and the other will be to a regular type movie review site. Read them both if you'd like and figure out which movie is right for you.

The A-Team

The Karate Kid

My pick for the week goes to Karate Kid. It seems pretty safe, and I'm actually excited about it. I wonder if he'll be "The best around?" We can only hope so.

-The Game Trust

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

GameTrust 16: Beaver Fever Edition

This is our sweet sixteen. Allie, Ben, and Ivey will entertain you during this weeks podcast. We enjoy cookies and ice cream during the podcast. If you want some you'll have to travel back in time and knock on our door... I liked to see that happen. We talk about iPhone 4, The Dark Knight's failure, and the Rush Limbaugh movie (huh?). Yeah, that last one is legit. Ivey also comes up with a new catch phrase that may have run its course during the podcast. You be the judge.

Also listen in for our deals of the week. If you're cheap like us this is a gerat section. You can click on the links past the break in this post to find the gaming deals.

Remember to email us and comment us on iTunes. If you do we'll send you a free bowl of cereal. Subscribe below!

Subscribe (aac : mp3) | Email:thegametrust@gmail.com | Phone(937) 6-TRUST-0

Saturday, June 5, 2010

REVIEW: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

UbiSoft's latest installment of its much heralded franchise

Unlike some of the other games I have reviewed I am very familiar with The Prince of Persia franchise. I’ve been enjoying the games ever sense The Sands of Time. The franchise has had its low points, but it was also a great leap forward in 3D platforming. There were few games that properly executed the 3D platformer. Most struggled to not disorient the player as they jumped from platform to platform. Prince of Persia excelled where other platformers failed. UbiSoft added par core and buttery smooth animations as well as a solid control scheme and inventive level designs. It was a joy to watch Prince flow across and around his obstacles with little frustrations to the player.

Now we enter some tricky ground with this newest installment. Sure it has its more powerful console counterparts, but this review is about the Wii game. The Wii game is different from both the 360 and PS3 versions. It is made specifically for Wii. The graphics are serviceable, but not stunning like past games were. The Forgotten Sands rehashes earlier Prince games. But that’s not always a bad thing. That being said; there are some additions but not all of them are good.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GameTrust 15: Monkey Transportation Edition

We're as happy as a monkey you're listening to our podcast.

It's another super secret meeting of the GameTrust that Ivey never misses. Good news, Ben's back and we also get hijacked by Addie Rhodes. She weighs into the conversation with noob ways. Don't worry it won't bore you. We talk about Monkey Transportation, The Hobbit, and Jered Hunter (The inside joke is: All those things are very similar). The good news is we get to the 5 things you need to know. If you want to actually read the articles we got those news items from go past the break.

By the way, rate us on iTunes then email us and tell us you did. Ivey will send you a free box of your favorite cereal. And that's the straight up truth right there.

Wanna Subscribe so that you always get the awesomeness that is the GameTrust automatically? Do that below.

Subscribe (aac : mp3) | Email:thegametrust@gmail.com | Phone(937) 6-TRUST-0