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Thursday, April 15, 2010

REVIEW: Lost- Season 6 Ep. 11 "Everybody Loves Hugo"

How could you ever hate Hugo? He’s such a nice guy. He’s lovable from his pinchable chubby cheeks to his curly locks. You have to love this guy, but will you love this episode?


If you’re looking for a recap of the episode head over to Lostpedia. I won’t do any recap from here on out. I encourage you not to read this if you haven’t seen the episode.

Overall Experience and Whatever Else I Want to Talk About...
Hugo in the flash sideways is a confident and great business man. Is he lucky or is Hugo really that great? Everything he touches turns to gold. His Mr. Clucky franchise is a worldwide phenomenon and he’s rich beyond what he could dream. In the alternate universe he seems to have earned everything. It’s the opposite on the Island. Everything he touches turns to, well, dust. People die around Hurley. Who can forget Tricia Tanaka from Channel 8 action news (boom)? And what about Libby and now Illana. Dead. Oh yeah, and don’t forget about the dear people on that porch Hugo broke because he’s fat. Wow, Hugo’s life in his flash sideways is so much better.

There is a big problem. The flash sideways universe isn’t real. Hugo, as well as everyone else in that universe, is living a lie. They were meant to be on the island. It was and is there destiny. I’m still not completely clear on why they have to be there, but I do know that’s where they’re meant to be. The love of the other universe breaks through. Hugo knows where he is supposed to be because his love for Libby has broken through to him. This is a process I think every Oceanic member will go through before the series is finished in only 5 more episodes.

John Flocke seems to be losing his quiet confidence. What he once seemed so sure of was dinged when Desmond showed up. I’m not sure why Desmond is such a threat to Flocke’s ultimate goal. Maybe Desmond’s ability to flash between dimensions will be what helps those against Flocke know what to do. I think that John’s attempt to kill Desmond will ultimately be futile because the Island isn’t finished with Desmond. I’m also relatively sure Hugo showing up wasn’t in Flocke’s plans. Will that mess Flocke up? I hope that brave action doesn’t get Hugo and the gang killed (BTW “Hugo and the Gang” should be Hugo’s new spin off series after Lost... More on that some other time).

What is wrong with Richard? He’s scared and apparent he doesn’t know what to do. Jacob doesn’t seem to be telling Richard anything. So what is Richard’s point? The island isn’t done with him yet or he’d be cube steak all over the jungle. Will he come back around to Jacob’s side or is he going to fall to Flocke? I hope Richard turns out to be a good guy. I like him too much.

It was great to see Libby back. This time it appears that she’s in the mental institute because she’s sane enough to think she’s crazy. She looked nothing like the twitchy head cocking Libby we saw many episodes ago. In the flash sideways universe she recognized her strong love to Hugo because of a Chicken commercial. I only think this is important because that’s the farthest away anyone has been from someone they loved before seeing them in a flash. There wasn’t even a father connecting them. There was only chicken.

Michael being back on the island was fine. He was mainly a tool to move Hugo where he needed to be. Michael was never my favorite character, but I think his greatest contribution to this episode was the reveal about the whispers in the jungle. Many people have speculated about the whispers being lost souls stuck in limbo, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.

Desmond’s goal in the flash sideways isn’t completely apparent to me. He seems to want to find everyone from the Oceanic flight. I first thought his intensions were good until he ran over wheel chair bound John Locke. He truly tried to kill him! As much as I dislike Flocke I can’t help but feel deep compassion for the real John. Does Desmond see it as his mission to make everything like it was on the island? Why would he care to kill John? Maybe he’s remembering John throwing him down a well. Whatever the reason Desmond was intent but he didn’t seem angry--he seemed more formulaic. Maybe it was something he had to do more than something he wanted to do.

Jack is still playing follow the leader and searching for his destiny. Sawyer doesn’t know what is going on. Kate just stands around and looks confused. Ben knows his time is up soon. Richard has lost his way. Miles does what’s best for Miles. Desmond appears to be far from compliant. What is his plan? Let’s hope Desi can climb.

Crap Index:
Even with very little screen time Sawyer lets a few choice words fly, someone is blown to tiny bits, and Desmond is thrown down a well. The most graphic part of the episode is when John Locke gets ran over. It was shocking and very disturbing. Overall a decent episode.

O.E.- 9.0
C.I.- 6.5
GameTrust Recommendation- 7.75

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