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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lost Theory Round Up

Lost is having a dreaded week off. I have to look at it from a different angle in order not to get too upset. My view is that this week off gives me some time to reflect on the last 6 seasons.

I figured that maybe we could use this time to discuss and run down some theories. So what I’m going to write is a list of theories I have. I just ask you put down your theories in the comment section. By no means is this a complete list of theories. The Lost universe is too big for the writers of Lost to answer all the question... Let alone me, but together we can give it a good try.

I intend to go through the theories person by person. Along the way I’m sure I’ll ramble into some coherent thoughts.

Jack: The leader. It was great to see Jack trying to assume the leadership role again. Believe me Hurley is a cool leader and all but it feels natural for Jack to lead. He’s at his best when he is taking charge and taking leaps of faith (literally and figuratively). The ending to last weeks episode left me questioning a few things. Jack was told by Claire that when he was talked to by Flocke he joined Flocke’s side. Most of last weeks episode proved otherwise, but in the end Jack ended up in Flocke’s arms. The title of last weeks episode is the other part of the clue. It was titled The Last Recruit. All that begs the question: Is Jack Flocke’s last recruit?

I heard a couple of good theories regarding this. The first theory was that Jack would never join Flocke because he’s too head strong. I’m not sure if that is really a theory, but I tend to agree with it. The other more interesting theory I’ve heard is that Jack was killed when the bombs exploded on the beach. After he was dead Flocke brought him back to life. Similar to how he brought Sayid back to life Jack would become his zombie.

Kate: At this point I think her story is over. I’m not really interested in what happens from here out. She’s a minor role on the island and a distraction in the flash-sideways. The only thing interesting about her situations on and off the island is that they haven’t changed much. Most everyone else's situations have changed greatly, but she’s still running from the cops in the flash-sideways. What is the significants of that I’m not sure? Maybe she didn’t make a deal with the devil (Flocke) and so her life didn’t get any better in the flash-sideways. That theory would assume that the flash-sideways are some sort of ending to the show where Flocke or Jacob allow those left on the island to choose their fate in an alternate universe.

Sawyer: A man with a plan. Sawyer is the guy who thinks he has everyone tricked, but as the saying goes you can fool some of the people but you can’t fool Widmore. Is that how the saying goes? I’m not sure. It will be interesting to see where Sawyer’s big plan to double cross Flocke with Widmore and then, I guess, crossing Widmore to steal the sub. Who knows what Sawyer is thinking. Either way Sawyer’s plan didn’t quite work out.

I’m more interested about Sawyer’s life off the island than on it. My biggest hope is that he meets up with Juliet again. My wife’s theory is that he’ll end up at the hospital investigating the shooting of Keamy by Sayid. When he’s there talking to Jin he’ll meet Juliet because she’ll be Sun’s OBGYN. Makes sense to me.

Hurley: I believe that Hurley may very well be the one who brings the two worlds together. His ability to communicate with other realms may come in handy. On the island I believe that he could be the new Jacob. He could be the one that becomes the keeper of the island.

Sun and Jin: It was wonderful to see them back together (though many thought they were going to be fried by the sonic fence). My hope is that they get back to their child. I have little idea of what their role will be from here on out. What are your theories? Are they Adam and Eve?

Ben: What a sucker. This guy used to seem so evil and immense, but over the past three seasons Ben Linus has journeyed backwards to become a real weasel. It seems like he has given up and any leadership skills he may have had are now gone. It seems like Ben is just another sheep.

An interesting observation I’ve seen with Ben is we know that he was brought back to life by what we think was Jacob. We know Sayid was brought back to life by what we think was The-Man-In-Black. Both characters exhibit similar traits. Both seem to be willing to follow the one that raised them without question for a certain time. Eventually, so it seems, Ben has broken free of Jacob’s hold and has now become regular sleazy Ben Linus. I believe there is hope for Sayid to break free form Flocke’s hold. I think we may have seen the start of Sayid breaking away when he didn’t shoot Desmond.

Desmond: Desmond’s role on the island is still a tricky one. Many people think he will become the new Jacob. Other’s think that the Desmond at the bottom of the well is Jacob. Those that ascribe to the latter theory say that Desmond died when Flocke threw him down the well, and after he died Jacob entered his body in the same way The-Man-In-Black entered John Locke’s body.

One thing is for sure Desmond is the constant. He is the one that is orchestrating the combination, or crashing, of the two universes together. The question is how connected is the flash-sideways Desmond to the Island? Does he know what Flocke did to him or can he just sense it? If he does know or can sense it maybe that explains why he ran over John Locke in the way he did. Desmond also seems to be bringing everyone together at the Hospital. One reason for that could be because he knows near death situations bring people to the point of remembering the island.

Sayid: I still see hope in Sayid. Until last week I thought he was completely gone, but the way he talked to Desmond at the well changed my mind. I don’t think he killed Desmond. I think he left him there and even lied to Flocke about killing Desmond. Sayid could be the last recruit. Not Flocke’s but Jacob’s last recruit.

Richard: I think that Richard has lost his way. All the frustration that came with Jacob’s murder has made him doubt everything. He even doubts what the island is. He believes it’s hell, but we know it’s not. He’s off to destroy the plane and keep everyone on the island because he believes that is the right thing to do. I’m concerned that his emotional decisions will end up playing into Flock’s hands. I theorize that in the end Richard will end up dying to kill Flocke. It seems the momentum of Richard’s story is leading us to his eventual sacrifice.

Flocke: It’s interesting to see him losing his way just a little bit. It’s also comforting for us to know Flocke is not all knowing. Flocke can be foiled. I think in the end Flocke will lose.

Does anyone think it’s interesting that Flocke wants all the Oceanic candidates to go with him off the island? I think a good philosophy would be to do the opposite of what Flocke wants. He wants them off the island because he needs them off the island in order for him to leave. They leave, he leaves, and evil is unleashed on the world. Yeah, that is a bad scenario.

John Locke (The real one): The question comes up, “What was John’s purpose?” It’s obvious that he believed that he had a purpose on the island, but Fake-Locke came out and said Locke was pathetic and confused. Flocke would have us believe that John’s sacrifice meant nothing. I find this hard to believe. In the last 4 episodes we’ll start to piece together Locke’s purpose. If nothing else he got everyone back on the island which ultimately lead to Jacob’s death. So it leaves me asking--Did Jacob make a huge judgement error with Ben Linus? Why would he want John to bring Ben back? Or was John pushed along by The-Man-In-Black? Maybe John was The-Man-In-Black’s pawn the whole time. In that scenario John has a purpose, a sad purpose, but a purpose. That also leads to the question: if it was The-Man-In-Black leading John why did Jacob raise John after being pushed out of the building?

I still hold on to the fact that John’s purpose will become apparent in the few episodes left.

Christian Shepherd: Who is this guy? Flocke has told us that he was Christian, but that doesn’t seem to make complete sense. I could see times when Flocke would have appeared as Christian, but there seems to be more time when it didn’t make sense to appear as him.

Sure, I believe Christian could have appeared to Jack on the beach to, “Lead him to water.”  But some stuff just doesn’t add up. I don’t know how he would have appeared to him off the island in the hospital. Why would The-Man-In-Black tell Michael he was free to die, or tell Locke in the bottom of the well to say hello to Jack? Have there been times where we saw the Ghost of Christian and times when we saw him as inhabited by The-Man-In-Black? That would lead to some confusion, but it would make a lot more sense. My theory is that Jacob can control ghost to do his bidding and The-Man-In-Black can inhabit dead bodies.

Jacob: Jacob is an interesting subject. Is he really dead? Is he inhabiting the body of Desmond? Is Jacob the little boy running around in the jungle? I think Jacob as the little boy is the most obvious answer. The boy is growing up (quicker than the average kid) and will become Jacob again. I also think it’s possible this bothers Flocke because he knows he has to get off the island before Jacob reaches maturity and that’s what Flocke’s rush is all about.

Here are a few questions for you:

Why was the island underwater at the beginning of the season?

Who is Adam and Eve?

Is Jack a part of the Flocke’s group?

Is Sayid completely gone?

What questions do you want answered?

What questions do you think will never be answered?

Submitted for Your Approval- Ivey Rhodes

1 comment:

  1. Good article.... I hope they answer all these questions, if not the Lost world will not be the same. Hopefully they won't leave it open to make a terrible movie just to make more money. I hope they answer the Adam and Eve thing, I think they will because they brought it up in a conversation with Hurley and Jack. I don't want it to be Sun and Jin because that would mean they never make it to their baby. I if it is them then the flash sideways are not the end of the show, because they are off the island...or maybe I am really confused, but I don't think the bodies of Adam and Eve are Sun and Jin, I think it is going to be something crazy that ties the whole show and the reason the island is the way it is together at the end of the series.
