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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The GameTrust Podcast Ep. 4: Extreme Reard Bubbings

Well, we're at it again. Dispensing our knowledge, or lack of, on the World. We talk about the news, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect 2, Endless Ocean 2, and Angels and Airwaves new CD: Love. Chuck Norris stops by to show us some Beard Rubbing techniques, and Ivey eats a raw goldfish on air. Ok, that last line is a lie. Just listen it's funny and informative.

News Links:
A Multiplatform Controller from Sony?
Valve Eyeing PlayStation 3 Development
Interesting Look at Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Ooops... Xbox DVDs won't Hold Everything Lost Planet Wants to Offer
OnLive Nearing Second Test Phase, Streaming like Netflix for Video Games?
Civilization 5 BABY!
New DS Hits the Rumor Mill
Analyst Calling For Immediate Wii Price Cut
Windows Phone 7 Series Unveiled

1 comment:

  1. The game that changed my life was "Shenmue." Hands down my favorite game ever. IGN gave it a 9.7. The most awesome game ever on the best system ever Dreamcast!
