Continue past the break to see the different news articles and release dates from the Nintendo Media Summit.
Points of Interest
Dead Island
Luigi's Mansion
review roundup
Twitter Review
War Hammer
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Super Mario Galaxy 2 Trailer And Metroid Other M dated
The game is looking really good. It will be released May 23rd. A small note, the midi music you hear in the trailer has been confirmed to be place holder music until the orchestration is done. So, SMG2 will be fully orchestrated just like SMG.
As for Metroid Other M. Expect to it on June 27th
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
REVIEW: Lost Season 6 Episode 4 "The Lighthouse"
Insert "Inspirational 80's movie" long clap here. I would like to thank the Lost writing crew and cast for another steller episode. In so many ways this episode answered questions but brought up whole new ones. I'm glad answers are coming, I want them quicker, but not too quick because I don't want Lost to end.
Continue past the break to read and discuss Lost theories. As well as the GameTrust recommendation>>
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The GameTrust Podcast Ep. 4: Extreme Reard Bubbings
Well, we're at it again. Dispensing our knowledge, or lack of, on the World. We talk about the news, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect 2, Endless Ocean 2, and Angels and Airwaves new CD: Love. Chuck Norris stops by to show us some Beard Rubbing techniques, and Ivey eats a raw goldfish on air. Ok, that last line is a lie. Just listen it's funny and informative.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
REVIEW: Lost- Season 6 Ep. 3 "The Substitute"
Submitted for Your Approval- Ivey Rhodes
Thank you writers of Lost. Thank you for hearing my plea last week. This past episode was the episode I have been waiting for since the season opener. I don't know what it is about Lost but the second episodes of the seasons seem to be stinkers and the third episodes seem to be thrill rides.
Thank you writers of Lost. Thank you for hearing my plea last week. This past episode was the episode I have been waiting for since the season opener. I don't know what it is about Lost but the second episodes of the seasons seem to be stinkers and the third episodes seem to be thrill rides.
WARNING: Spoilers will follow
Monday, February 15, 2010
Review: BioShock 2 Does it live up to the first game?
Submitted for Your Approval- Ivey Rhodes
Overall Experience
When I heard there was a new BioShock game coming out I can’t say that I was thrilled. To me the first one stood alone as a breakthrough in video games. BioShock was more like art than any other game I had played before. The graphics were stunning, the gameplay was solid, and story was top notch. It stood out in a plethora of mediocrity. Does BioShock 2 shame its mother game? Nope. Does it live up to expectations? Mostly.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
REVIEW: Lost- Season 6 Ep. 2 "What Kate Does."
Overall Experience: Before tonight’s episode I was excited to continue last week’s story. This weeks episode did that on a certain, but disappointing, level. When last week we saw Sayid back from the dead. I know that was the crescendo of the entire season premier, but I cared more about what was happening outside that little Mayan-like temple. I wanted to know what was to come with Richard, Ben, and Evil Locke (For lack of a better name).
Friday, February 5, 2010
The GameTrust Podcast Ep. 2
Thanks for joining us for our latest podcast. Below is a list of articles that we pulled our information from.
- No HD Wii?
- Wii is Nintendo's Best selling console
- EA on Wii Dante's Inferno, a no go...
- Grinder no longer a Wii exclusive
- Grinder Using PS3mote?
- Project Needlemouse is Sonic 4
- EA Predicts Super Bowl XLIV Winner With Madden
- Used Games at Walmart and Bestbuy a bust?
- Modern Warfare 2 Topped Worldwide Sales In 2009
- MW2 Patched... finally
- Fallout New Vegas Trailer
- Dragon Age Awakening DLC
- Alienware M11x
- Zune Phone Announcement This Month?
So until next week you can email us at or call us at (937) 687-8780
The music at the end of the podcast is by And Then There Were None on Tooth and Nail Records.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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