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Monday, July 19, 2010

Inception: My Different Take

Inception is a great movie. It’s everything this movie goer could want. It has the escapism of Avatar, the superb story telling of The Dark Knight, the metaphysical headiness of The Matrix, and heist and espionage elements of movies like Ocean’s 11 and Where Eagles Dare. Some would say it has it all.

Inception dives into our brains and causes us to ponder a part of ourselves that we rarely, if ever, have control of--Our dreams. It makes one ponder about the reality of the world we live in and the meaning of life all together. For that reason this movie is not for everyone. Following the break you will not find a review of the movie but a look at its themes and questions. If you would like a well written review head over to Ebert’s review. If you’d like to see how it relates to the family see Plugged-In Online’s review. I agree with both wholly. Warning spoilers will follow the break>>

Inception is easily the best movie I’ve seen in a long time. It brings back memories of when I watched The Matrix for the first time. Your mind is blown and you are forced to think about life in a different way. Even though there are parts of the whole that have been used in other flicks I never felt like Inception was recycled. It is a completely new film.

I truly enjoyed jumping from dreamscape to dreamscape and balancing all the worlds. Suspense was tripled because of the nature of the movie. While the van is falling the viewer is watching a fight scene lacking physical gravity while providing all the thematic gravity possible because the stakes are so high in the third snowy dreamscape.

One of the many awesome action sequences 

Each dream state seemed to have its own laws. All the dream states were connected yet all of them were independent of each other. What put this movie on a higher level than The Matrix and its mind binding was Inception's ground rules. Rules were quickly set up that helped the viewer understand even though people were dreaming the impossible may have been conceivable but it was not profitable. The movie was held together by the notion that dreams could be woken up from.

The goal of the thought extractor is to keep their subject under as long as a job takes. To do that they have to convince the subject they are not dreaming. I found myself pulling for the thieves and hoping the world would stay together and appear normal. Then when things went crazy I found myself totally amazed by the absurdity of it. We’ve all had dreams where gravity didn’t keep us on the ground, and Inception allows for us to see those dreams from a different perspective. It’s eye candy of the best kind. My only wish is that tonight I can dream about fighting a guy in a hotel hallway while running on the ceilings and walls.

Watch the movie and you'll understand...

Death is brought to a new level in Inception. There is real death. There is dream death. There is limbo. All that has caused me to think a little different about my mortality. When I was younger I had an extreme fear of death. I’d go to sleep praying I wouldn’t die before I woke up. That fear of death came from my lack of faith in Jesus Christ. I knew there was an afterlife and I knew I would live somewhere forever. I just wasn’t sure where. My fear was that I’d die and live separated from God in eternal torment. All because of the wrong things I had done. Looking back upon those years of my life I believe I would have. There was one day when I put aside all my pride and decided to place the rest of my life in the hands of Jesus. I came to the point where I knew I couldn’t do it anymore on my own.

That’s where this movie collides with real life. The movie ends with the viewer not knowing if the main character ever makes it back to reality. The viewer is left with questions about our current reality. Is the place in which we live a dream? Is any of it real?

This movie has a really great cast.

The truth: all of us live here and now. This is as real as it gets here on the earth. Christopher Nolan isn’t the only person to ponder on the reality of this world. The Apostle Paul did too in his letter to the Colossians. He said that the rules of this world are only a shadow of what is real. Reality is found in Christ!

These [rules] are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Colossians 2:17

Another version says, “The substance is Christ.” He is what true life is made of. We don’t worry or even live for the present we live for our future life in Heaven. When we look at life from that perspective it causes us to think about our life decisions a little different. Everything we do, or don’t do, in this reality has an impact on our eternal reality.

So many of us get stuck thinking this time we spend on Earth is all there is. But this time is only an obscured view of the life that is to come. John tells us he writes for one reason and it concerns our future life. He says,

...that you who believe in God's Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he's listening. And if we're confident that he's listening, we know that what we've asked for is as good as ours.
1 John 5:13

Know that today you can get things settled and when you get dropped into reality you’ll be in the right place. God has given you a chance to follow Him into the reality that He longs for you to be in. Knowing what reality we’ll be in when we die is as simple as asking God to forgive us of our sins. When we do that we can be sure He’s listening and that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours. Why will He do this? He loves us.

The question is when we drop and we’re finally woken into true reality where will you be: eternal bliss or eternal torment? The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

-Ivey Rhodes

Questions or comments? email us at thegametrust@gmail.com

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